Well, you'd think I fell off the face of the earth. Sort of....I've been in heaven and now that summer is over, I'm sort of back. Heaven of course being Blue Mountain. Since we've moved here, we've had the best family time ever! Check out the rainbow I saw this a.m. It was soooo big that I couldn't get it all, but I can honestly say it's the prettiest rainbow, I've ever seen!
David's 8th birthday is today. We celebrated with what he wanted, a strawberry cake. He's on a strawberry kick lately, ever since he picked his own in June.
It was also Michael's first day at his new high school, and Ava's first day of SK.
To top this day off, Paul and I spent it "lounging", then took the bike to town and tooted around. So much fun!
Pics of everything below....except the "lounging". ahem.